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Happy New Year 2019

January 11, 2019

Happy New Year!

A few years ago, my New Year Resolution was to stop making resolutions. None the less, it’s the time of year for, let’s say, reinvigorating our positive habits and actuating our duties and responsibilities. And I suppose, minimizing our negative habits. Along those lines, I’ve found my social media outrage has gotten a bit out of control this past year, especially with the terrible tac of our national politics. I am appalled of course, but ranting on the book-face feels like screaming into the vacuum of space.

So I decided to go old school, and compose a physical letter to my representative, just to make sure my view is know by people who can do something about it. It feels good, and I encourage y’all to communicate with your representative. Calls are good - note that emails and social media posts may not be tabulated for the official records- I hear. But make sure your views are known to your representative. They are the only real path away from this disaster.

I posted my letter below - so you know my view too, dear reader. Feel free to copy and paste for your own letter. Or use for talking points for your call. Have you ever called your representative? It’s fun, I sometimes like to call and say “hi, is Earl there?” Anyhow, as you can imagine, it’s usually just a staffer tabulating your opinion with a zillion other calls - sometimes you can leave a message. They say you should keep it to one issue at a time, which as you’ll see below, I struggle with.

Ok, I’m back out on the road now, I’ll have a tour report for you shortly.

Viva La Resistance, Viva La Revolución.

Minneapolis MN, Cold Sunny



January 7, 2019

Congressman Earl Blumenhauer
1111 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Cc: House Leader Nancy Pelosi.
1236 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Representative Blumenhauer,

I am writing today, to exercise my right to petition, in the strongest possible terms, for the immediate impeachment of President Trump. His crimes and treasons are plain, especially the blatant violation of the Emollients Clause of the United States Constitution. His threat to declare a national emergency where one clearly does not exist, combined with his demonstrated political use of the armed forces, brings the existential threat - of this unfit individual being in the most powerful position on the planet, into acute crisis.

It is the duty of our House of Representatives to impeach, even without any chance of conviction in the Senate. For the sake of our country, as well as the entire planet, you must take up the business of the ongoing crimes of this administration! He should be impeached before any criminal inditement, because the standard for High Crimes and Misdemeanors is a matter for you to decide, for the good of our nation - far before any technical criminal wrongdoing.

The Democratic Party must step up and defend the vast majority who oppose the disgraceful, racist, authoritarianism of this president and his party. Since the evidence in the public record is enough to satisfy this standard, the leader should bring impeachment to the floor repeatedly. Each time it is rejected by the Senate the scope should be broadened. As treason is involved, the entire administration should eventually be removed, along with any legislative collaborators.

We need a thorough review of all of his appointments, and a purging of rapists and white supremacists from our government, especially the courts. I think the example of a truth and reconciliation committee, as in South Africa, may be a helpful idea to explore as we recover from this national trauma.

Sir, please let me know what your leader, (cc’d) thinks of my proposal.

I appreciate your steadfast and pragmatic liberalism and decency. Thank you for your service.

Your Constituent,

James H. Prescott

